Welcome to Woodborough Parish Council

The Parish Council comprises 11 members and meets monthly. Meeting dates can be found on the meetings tab. The agenda for the meeting can be viewed in advance on this website and on the noticeboard by the Post Office. Please forward any items you wish to include on the agenda to the Clerk 7 days before the meeting. The Parish Council welcomes public involvement at the meetings and will always make time for the public to speak. Minutes are approved at the following meeting and can be viewed on this website and on the Post Office noticeboard.

The Parish Council is responsible for the running and maintenance of the Village Hall, the Cemetery at Roe Hill, the Governors’ Field, the Playing Field and pavilion, the allotments on Foxwood Lane and also leases the tennis courts to the Tennis Club.

Contact the Clerk to find out more about our facilities and services.

Contact the Clerk or Councillors to raise any issues or express your views.

Woodborough has an Emergency Planning Committee which comprises a group of volunteers from the parish who aim to coordinate local action in the event of flood or other emergency. For details, download their Emergency Plan.

If you would like us to send you our latest updates by email, including news, minutes and accounts as they are issued, please sign up to our mailing list here

Next Meeting

The next Parish Council meeting takes place on Monday 3rd March at 6.45pm 

The agenda will be available on Thursday 27th February.

Meetings are held in the Village Hall. 


Allotments at the Foxwood Lane site regularly become available. We operate a waiting list to allocate plots. Please contact the Clerk if you wish to apply for an allotment. You don't need to be a Woodborough resident.

Forthcoming contracts

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