The Sam Middup Field was purchased by Woodborough Parish Council in December 2016. It is located behind Charnwood Way and Smalls Croft.
Permissive Footpath opens, April 2021
Nottinghamshire County Councillor Boyd Elliott joined Woodborough Parish Council Chair Pat Woodfield to open the new permissive footpath on 1st April 2021. The footpath can be accessed from Charnwood Way. Woodborough Parish Council is grateful to have received a grant of £4,000 from Nottinghamshire County Council's Local Improvement Scheme to help develop the footpath. The land was levelled and planted with grass seed, and the path was fenced off from the remainder of the field, which remains in cultivation.
Consultation on parish facilities/potential uses for the Sam Middup Field
The results of the consultation were presented at a public meeting on November 26th 2018 and can be found here.
Works to the ditch, February 2017
The threat of flooding was raised by many residents during the pre-purchase consultation. A new ditch with a larger capacity and consistent drop has been dug to help surface water drain away. To the right of the photo, the field has now been ploughed to grow grass while plans for the field's use are developed.
Financial Information
Woodborough Parish Council completed its purchase of the Middups’ field, to the south of Charnwood Way, on Friday December 16th. The purchase price paid was £225,007.07. Full details of costs incurred in the purchase can be found here.
The Parish Council has taken a loan from the Public Works Loan Board to pay for the land. The amount borrowed is £215,000 and the term of the loan is 50 years. The interest rate is fixed at 3.13%. The annual repayment for the loan will be £8536.04.