Accounts produced by the Parish Council are available to the public and are added to this web site once audited and approved.

The Parish's financial year runs to March 31st. The accounts are prepared by the Clerk (as Responsible Financial Officer) and are then subject to internal audit. Our current internal auditor is Andy Hodges. The Annual Return and accounts are then subject to approval by the Parish Council by the end of June, before being submitted to the External Auditor (from 2018, PKF Littlejohn).

Woodborough Parish Council gives notice that the audit process for 2023/2024 has commenced.

Please see the Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return

2023/2024 Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return

            Year End Accounts 

Accounts for year ending March 31 2023

The 2022/23 audit has concluded: Notice of conclusion of audit

2023:  Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return Section 3 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 

            Year End Accounts 

Previous years

2022:  Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return & Section 3 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 

            Year End Accounts

2021:  Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return &  Section 3 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 

            Year End Accounts

2020: Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return & Section 3 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return 

          Year End Accounts

2019: Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return  Section 3 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return

          Year End Accounts  

2018: Sections 1 and 2 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return & Section 3 of Annual Governance and Accountability Return

          Year End Accounts

2017:Annual Return & Year End Accounts

2016:Annual ReturnYear End Accounts

2015: Annual Return & Year End Accounts

2014: Annual Return & Year End Accounts

2013: Annual return & Year End Accounts

2012:  Annual return & Year End Accounts

2011Annual return  & Year End Accounts 

2010:  Annual return  & Year End Accounts

2009:  Annual return  & Year End Accounts

2008:  Annual return  & Year End Accounts

2007:  Annual return  & Year End Accounts

2006:  Annual return  & Year End Accounts


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