Gedling Borough Council is the planning authority with responsibility for Woodborough. Any applications must be made to Gedling Borough Council.

Applications can be viewed through Gedling Borough Council's public access system at Gedling planning and building control, with searches made by reference number, postcode or street name.

The Parish Council is asked to submit "observations" on planning applications in, or affecting, Woodborough. These are itemised on the agenda for the monthly meeting. Occasionally a minor application has to be dealt with under the clerk's delegated powers due to the tight time constraints set by Gedling; in the case of a major application an extension will be sought or an additional PC meeting called to deal with it.

It is important to note that the Parish Council cannot veto or approve applications but its views are taken into account by the planning officers and committee at Gedling Borough Council.

The Parish Council's feedback to the planning authority has to relate to planning issues eg:

  • use - is this suitable for the area it is in?
  • design - are the height and scale of the proposal appropriate? are the materials suitable?
  • parking and traffic - are the access and parking arrangements appropriate? would the traffic created as a result be acceptable?

Non-planning matters include fears about property values and neighbour disputes.

Parishioners are welcome to give their comments on applications to the clerk for consideration, and are also advised to comment directly to Gedling Borough Council. The Parish Council has committed to hold a public meeting to discuss any major planning proposal in the green belt.


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