
A public meeting has been arranged for Saturday 28th October, 10.30am till 12 noon, at the Village Hall.

The meeting is organised by Woodborough Parish Council, supported by Woodborough FLAG, Cllr Helen Greensmith (GBC) and Cllr Boyd Elliott (NCC).

The purpose of the meeting is to understand the sequence of events on Friday 20th October and to review the response (what went well, what could be done differently).

We also need to understand whose properties have been affected and how. Reporting the flooding accurately will give us the best chance of securing more flood resilience measures.

To this end we particularly want to hear from anyone whose property has been damaged by flood water.


More details to follow.


The audit for 2022/23 has concluded.

For further details see the Notice of Conclusion of Audit and details on the Accounts page.

Please can everyone do their bit to keep our drains clear!

Please remove any leaves or hedge cuttings from gardens and paths near Main Street, to stop them blowing onto the carriageway where they will accumulate in the gutters and block our drains.

Please don't use leaf blowers to move leaves, hedge cuttings or cut grass beyond your property's boundary. If you see anyone doing this, please be a friend to the village and ask them to bag and remove the cuttings instead!

Welcome to Gary Digva, Phil Hallam, John Newsome, Linda Taylor and Richard Whincup who have joined Woodborough Parish Council as co-opted members.

The notice of uncontested election for Woodborough Parish Council has been released by Mike Hill, Returning Officer.

6 candidates have been elected. WPC has 11 members and the vacancies will be filled in due course by cooption.

The statement of persons nominated for the Dumbles ward, which comprises Woodborough and Lambley, has been released by Mike Hill, Returning Officer.

These are the candidates for whom you may vote at the May 4th election.

The Annual Meeting of the Parish will take place on Monday April 17th at 7pm in the Village Hall.

The agenda is now available.

This meeting is open to everyone. 

Teas, coffees and biscuits will be available.

All are welcome to come to the meeting. There will be a series of brief presentations about activities in the parish and then we will welcome hearing everyone's thoughts and ideas.

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