The Parish Council meets monthly at the Village Hall, Lingwood Lane. The meeting dates are publicised on this website and on the noticeboard outside the Post Office.
The agenda is prepared by the Clerk and published 3 clear days before the day of the meeting. It can be viewed on the website and Post Office noticeboard. For both the current and previous agenda, see the agenda page.
The Parish Council welcomes public involvement at the meetings and will always make time for the public to speak. For issues of particular concern, contact the clerk at least 7 days before the meeting so that the item can be included on the agenda.
The Clerk takes the minutes and these are approved at the following meeting of the Parish Council. The latest minutes can be viewed on the Post Office noticeboard. New and old minutes can be accessed here.
Monday January 6th
Monday February 3rd
Monday March 3rd
Monday April 7th
Tuesday May 6th
Monday June 2nd
Monday July 7th
August - no meeting
Monday September 1st
Monday October 6th
Monday November 3rd
Monday December 1st